Generic functions and multimethods versus visitors and factories
Table of Contents
In the article “Synthesizing Object-Oriented and Functional Design to Promote Reuse” by Shriram Krishnamurthi et al. from 2003 ( the authors propose a design pattern combining visitors with factory methods.
I propose here that the problem they present is better solved through generic functions and multimethods.
1 Summary
The concrete problem presented is one of those rather academic problems: a little class hierarchy based on shapes, and a few operations on them, the question being how to organize the code in such a way that extending it with a new class or with a new operation can be done without modification of existing code.
The unspoken basic problem is to get (run-time) dispatch to the right method implementation for a given object, when (in “classical object-oriented” parlance) you cannot put the method into the object's class directly.
The “classical object-oriented” solution proposed in the paper is roughly to use a visitor for selection of the right method and a factory method for selection of the right visitor.
The solution I propose is to use generic functions and multimethods. Generic functions and the methods defined on them can be written independently from the classes of the objects on which they operate. They also do (run-time) dispatch on their arguments (in contrast to compile-time overloading). The effect is that you “just call” the generic function on whatever objects occur at run-time, and the right method will be selected each time. You can also write new methods for both generic functions and classes that are defined elsewhere, including the language standard.
In the following, I'll write this out in code, first Java, then Common Lisp.
2 Java
I use Java for the “classical” part, because it is the language from this family I am most familiar with. In contrast to the article, I can use a more modern Java version that has “generics” (parametric polymorphism, has nothing to do with generic functions).
First up, a little class hierarchy. I use very basic language (no final
declarations, no nullness annotations, and direct field access for Point
), so
that it stays somewhat readable on this page.
package shape; /** * A basic shape class. Shapes are centered at the origin by default. */ abstract class Shape { <T> T accept (ShapeVisitor<T> visitor); }
package shape; class Square extends Shape { private double width; Shape (double width) { this.width = width; } <T> T accept (ShapeVisitor<T> visitor) { return visitor.visit( this ); } double getWidth () { return this.width; } }
package shape; class Circle extends Shape { private double radius; Circle (double radius) { this.radius = radius; } <T> T accept (ShapeVisitor<T> visitor) { return visitor.visit( this ); } double getRadius () { return this.radius; } }
package shape; /** * This represents a translated shape. */ class Translated extends Shape { private Shape shape; private Point translation; Translated (Shape shape, Point translation) { this.shape = shape; this.translation = translation; } <T> T accept (ShapeVisitor<T> visitor) { return visitor.visit( this ); } Shape getShape () { return this.shape; } Point getTranslation () { return this.translation; } }
This is a little helper:
package shape; /** * A two-dimensional vector. */ class Point { double x; double y; Point (double x, double y) { this.x = x; this.y = y; } }
We start out with one operation:
package shape; /** * Interface for operations on shapes. Implementations should have private * constructors and factory methods, so that extensions to existing visitors can * still be applied recursively. */ interface ShapeVisitor<T> { T visit (Square square); T visit (Circle circle); T visit (Translated translated); }
package shape; class PointIn implements ShapeVisitor<Boolean> { protected Point point; private PointIn (Point point) { this.point = point; } PointIn makePointIn (Point point) { return new PointIn( point ); } Boolean visit (Square square) { return point.x > -(square.getWidth / 2) && point.x < (square.getWidth / 2) && point.y > -(square.getWidth / 2) && point.y < (square.getWidth / 2); } Boolean visit (Circle circle) { return Math.sqrt( point.x ^ 2 + point.y ^ 2 ) < circle.getRadius(); } Boolean visit (Translated translated) { Point translation = translated.getTranslation(); Point untranslatedPoint = new Point( this.point.x - translation.x, this.point.y - translation.y ); return translated.getShape().accept( makePointIn( untranslatedPoint ) ); } }
Now we add another operation:
package shape; class Shrink implements ShapeVisitor<Shape> { protected double factor; private Shrink (double factor) { this.factor = factor; } Shrink makeShrink (double factor) { if (factor == 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(); } return new Shrink<Shape>(factor); } Shape visit (Square square) { return new Square( square.getWidth() / factor ); } Shape visit (Circle circle) { return new Circle( circle.getRadius() / factor ); } Shape visit (Translated translated) { return new Translated( translated.getShape().accept( makeShrink( factor ) ), translated.getTranslation() ); } }
Finally, we add another class:
package shape; class Union extends Shape { private Shape s0; private Shape s1; public Union (Shape s0, Shape s1) { this.s0 = s0; this.s1 = s1; } <T> accept (ShapeVisitor<T> visitor) { // might throw a ClassCastException if improperly used return ((UnionShapeVisitor) visitor).visit( this ); } Shape getShape0 () { return this.s0; } Shape getShape1 () { return this.s1; } }
This needs extended visitors:
package shape; interface UnionShapeVisitor<T> extends ShapeVisitor<T> { T visit (Union union); }
package shape; class PointInUnion extends PointIn implements UnionShapeVisitor<Boolean> { private PointInUnion (Point point) { this.point = point; } PointIn makePointIn (Point point) { return new PointInUnion( point ); } Boolean visit (Union union) { return union.getShape0().accept( makePointIn( this.point ) ) || union.getShape1().accept( makePointIn( this.point ) ); } }
package shape; class ShrinkUnion extends Shrink implements UnionShapeVisitor<Shape> { private ShrinkUnion (double factor) { this.factor = factor; } Shrink makeShrink (double factor) { return new ShrinkUnion( factor ); } Shape visit (Union union) { return new Union( union.getShape0().accept( makeShrink( this.factor ) ), union.getShape1().accept( makeShrink( this.factor ) ) ); } }
3 Common Lisp
Here is the same problem solved in Common Lisp with generic functions and multimethods. I'll try to separate the classes, operations and their extensions into files roughly as in the Java example above, although one would perhaps do this differently in a real Lisp project.
First, the class hierarchy:
(in-package shape) (defclass shape () ())
(in-package shape) (defclass square (shape) ((width :initarg :width :reader square-width)))
(in-package shape) (defclass circle (shape) ((radius :initarg :radius :reader circle-radius)))
(in-package shape) (defclass translated (shape) ((shape :initarg :shape :reader translated-shape) (translation :initarg :translation :reader translated-translation)))
The point helper:
(in-package shape) (defclass point () ((x :initarg :x :reader point-x) (y :initarg :y :reader point-y)))
The first operation:
(in-package shape) (defgeneric point-in-p (point shape) (:documentation "Returns whether the POINT lies within SHAPE.")) (defmethod point-in-p ((point point) (square square)) (and (< (- (/ (square-width square) 2)) (point-x point) (/ (square-width square) 2)) (< (- (/ (square-width square) 2)) (point-y point) (/ (square-width square) 2)))) (defmethod point-in-p ((point point) (circle circle)) (< (sqrt (+ (expt (point-x point) 2) (expt (point-y point) 2))) (circle-radius circle))) (defmethod point-in-p ((point point) (translated translated)) (point-in-p (make-instance point :x (- (point-x point) (point-x (translated-translation translated))) :y (- (point-y point) (point-y (translated-translation translated)))) (translated-shape translated)))
Adding an operation:
(in-package shape) (defgeneric shrink (shape factor) (:documentation "Returns a copy of SHAPE shrunk by FACTOR.")) (defmethod shrink :before ((shape t) factor) (check-type factor (real (0) *) "a positive real number")) (defmethod shrink ((square square) (factor real)) (make-instance 'square :width (/ (square-width square) factor))) (defmethod shrink ((circle circle) (factor real)) (make-instance 'circle :radius (/ (circle-radius circle) factor))) (defmethod shrink ((translated translated) (factor real)) (make-instance 'translated :shape (shrink (translated-shape translated) factor) :translation (translated-translation translated)))
Adding a new class:
(in-package shape) (defclass union (shape) ((shape0 :initarg :shape0 :reader union-shape0) (shape1 :initarg :shape1 :reader union-shape1)))
Adding the operations:
(in-package shape) (defmethod point-in-p ((point point) (union union)) (or (point-in-p point (union-shape0 union)) (point-in-p point (union-shape1 union))))
(in-package shape) (defmethod shrink ((union union) (factor real)) (make-instance 'union :shape0 (shrink (union-shape0 union) factor) :shape1 (shrink (union-shape1 union) factor)))
4 Your thoughts
Please, take a moment to compare what you have seen. Maybe translate it to a language or syntax that you are more familiar with (Java is not for everyone).
I shall continue after the break.
5 Comparison
OK, break is over.
The primary goal of the article I mentioned in the introduction was to design the code in such a way that a user can extend it without modifying or replacing existing code. In a real-world sense, the basic shape definition, the square, circle, and translated shape, as well as the point-in operation might be part of a library, while the union shape and the shrink operation are parts of code that is using that library.
This means that the Java library needs to be designed with such extensibility explicitly in mind. Going through the motions of having the factory method in the visitor contract would otherwise not be obvious or worthwhile. The Common Lisp library, on the other hand, would just be written the way shown, even if its author never thought about a user wanting to add shapes or operations.
What if you want to further extend this functionality, for example: with an
ellipse shape? In the Java case, you can't just add Ellipse
, PointInEllipse
, and ShrinkEllipse
, because then
you'd need to decide whether to use a ShrinkEllipse
or a ShrinkUnion
whenever you wish to shrink a Shape that you can only determine at runtime
(e. g. iterating over a Collection<Shape>). Instead, you end up with a
MyProjectShapeShrinker that knows all your extensions. If someone on your
project overlooks the fact that someone else already (or in parallel) had added
a ShrinkUnion visitor and adds the ShrinkEllipse visitor himself, you have a
bug, where one part of the code understands one subset of shapes and a different
part another. Not only does this compile without warning, it also likely tests
OK, since the tests added for each addition by itself would ignore the other
just the same.
With generic functions (the Common Lisp case), you just add the methods, and it works. Programmer A adds a union shape, programmer B adds the ellipse shape, the code is merged, all functions continue to work .
Another example: programmer A adds the union shape, but programmer B adds the shrink operation.
In Java, A adds Union
, UnionShapeVisitor<T>
, and PointInUnion
, while B
adds Shrink
(which implements ShapeVisitor<T>
, so is missing a method for
). Again, this compiles fine and will likely test OK when the
programmers are not aware of each other's development. Some time later, you get
a ClassCastException or an IllegalArgumentException, depending on how the
visitors are implemented.
This problem is about the same in Common Lisp, though: A adds union
, B adds
, but the method that shrinks unions is missing. Some time later, you
get an error that there is no applicable method for shrink
when given a
The difference is the effort needed to correct the mistake: in Common Lisp, you
add the missing method(s). In Java, you need to make Shrink
instead of ShapeVisitor<T>
, then add the method to this
file. It gets more involved when multiple shapes were added independently: you
need to merge the different interfaces extending ShapeVisitor<T>
as well as
all their implementations and make all their call sites use the respective
merged visitor.
6 Conclusion
I am almost sorry that this comparison came out so one-sided, but I simply could not find a halfway convincing argument that made generic functions look inferior to the Visitor/Factory pattern in this kind of example.
Really, I think this is so bad that one should regard the visitor pattern (with or without factory methods) as a hacky workaround for missing generic functions. The only reason that it is not really an antipattern is that there are no good alternatives in sight when you must use Java.
I welcome all feedback, including demonstrations of solutions in other languages. Just use the wiki at
Yours aye